
Today I woke up feeling blah. Do you ever feel like that, imaginary cyberspace friend? I'm sure you do. I'm sure everyone has felt like that. But, why? Nothing bad has happened in the day yet? So, why should I feel an impending sense of doom and dismay and blahness at the world in general? Too many questions I don't have the answers to. I suppose it could be the things that have happened in days past. Maybe. I moved a bunch of my furniture out of my apartment yesterday and while I am glad to be moving on with my life, this apartment I've lived in these past 3 years has been my first real home. I would come home every night and just be glad to be living where I was living. I made it mine and it was comfortable and inviting. Everything was set up just so. I had enough room to workout. I had my perfect couch to take naps on. My kitchen was always stocked with whatever I needed and it was a nice kitchen to cook in. My bathroom was decorated and I had a walk in closet with color coordinated clothes hanging up, so if I felt like I wanted to wear black, I shuffled through my black shirts. If I felt like pink and so on and so forth. It was a nice place to live. But in truth, it was really never mine. As long as I live in an apartment, I will always feel like a guest in my own home. I was limited in what I could do. For example, if I wanted to workout at 11 at night (or really any time my downstairs neighbors were home), I would have to pack up all sorts of gear and head out to my little gym. The little gym was nice, but it definitely kept me from working out on several occasions. And yes, I know that's only an excuse, but I had it, so I used it. I couldn't listen to music very loudly (not that it stopped me sometimes). Don't get me wrong, as far as apartments go, this has been awesome, but there is just the fact that they are limiting when it comes to living situations.
I thought maybe writing might get me out of this blahness I'm in, but it hasn't done the trick, nor did working out. And now I have to get ready for work...blah.


  1. Moving is tough, even when you're leaving an apartment. Hopefully, you'll find a place that feels like home just as much as your current place does. :)


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