Peaks and Valleys
Do you ever have those weeks that seem to be perfect examples of peaks and valleys? I'm sure you all must have those because I am assured I cannot be the only one. Visualize day you have climbed this mountain and you can see forever. It is so beautiful up on this mountain. The air is crisp and clear. There are clouds underneath you, white and fluffy, innocent looking. The valley below looks beautiful and so far away. You look back and you see the progress you have made and your heart soars at all of the work you put in to make it to the top. You are the Queen or King of the mountain and nothing will bring you down, until you realize you have already started descending. Because you have already made the decision that you would love to stay on top, you know you cannot stay. So, you start down into that beautiful valley, only as you descend, those innocent clouds start to rain on you, but you have been to the top of the mountain, so a little rain shouldn't irk you. Then, it starts to pour and you are only halfway down the mountain. By the time you get to the valley, it is no longer beautiful and you are wet and miserable. And the view you saw forever with is blocked by the huge mountain in front of you and behind you and on all sides of you.
This happened to me in a matter of 24 hours. I guess I had better start climbing again. Stupid valley.
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