I Will NOT Be the Woman of Your Dreams

I just got through deleting most of the pictures of me taken by me on facebook. The following story will illustrate why. I had a really bad dating experience these past two weeks. I do online dating because at my age and religion, there's really not much else I can do. Bars aren't an option and as many of my friends have said...who wants to meet their future spouse there? Well, I met online what seemed to be a really nice guy. I will withhold his name for privacy purposes and just call him...Jacob. Well, Jacob popped up on the site I was using to chat with me. There was no picture to go with the words at first, but I thought, what the heck. He told me a little about himself, I did the same. We had a really fun, flirty conversation...talking about beardos (if you don't know what that is, look it up on youtube right now...I'll wait. Now, wasn't that funny?). He then asked for my phone number, which I gave him. He woke me up the next morning with a good morning text. We texted throughout the day and so this continued for a few days. Then, he asked me out. For Saturday. I was really excited because he was going to have to drive a distance to see me. This made me feel special. Oh, so special. So, Saturday comes. I've bought a new outfit and I am looking slamming. Completely amazing. Well, I text him that I'm excited to see him. He texts back that he might be a little late. Ooookay. That's fine. Well, the evening gets progressively later (and thank goodness for a sister named, Melanie to keep me laughing!) and he still can't make it. The evening finally ends without meeting. That's fine. There was actually a pretty good excuse. He then tells me he's coming into town on Thursday-Sunday and he's going to see me then, take me out. I am excited for a few more days. The texting and chatting continues. He is very flattering. He thinks I am the most beautiful creature to walk the earth (or so he says...well, he says I'm really hot, and I guess he did throw in beautiful once or twice). I eat this up. This flattery. It burgeons my ego and for a moment, I do think I'm this beautiful creature. Well, Thursday rolls around and I wake up really excited because I'm finally going to meet this man I've been literally dreaming about. But he's pretty silent throughout the day. I ask if he's on his way to Salt Lake and he texts back a plain, "No." Oh. I ask if he's okay and again, "No." Ooookay. He has another excuse for not being able to come up. This one is more tragic then the last one. I tell him I understand. We video chat that night...our "first date." The next morning, he texts, good morning. Then, he's pretty silent throughout the day. He tells me he is coming up Saturday. I'm not as excited anymore. Saturday morning: I send him a text confirming that he's coming up. He says he yes, he is. Saturday night: He texts that he just rolled into Salt Lake. I am excited again. After work, I text...and text again...and text again. No response. An hour later, he responds back that he can't meet me yet. Ooookay. I ask how late. I ask why. He still has his kids. Alright...how late? No response. Two hours later...I shoot off a rather upset text. No response. I go to bed. The next day we were supposed to officially meet. Nothing. Not even an excuse this time. Three times. I finally heard from him on Monday...with an even bigger excuse. Yeah. No thanks. But being the nice girl that I am (and I was really attracted to him), I actually told him I was sorry for the text I sent on Saturday night. Well, I'm not sorry. Not at all. He's a butt. He pulled my strings like a little puppet master, and I was the willing puppet.

Yeah. No more. No more being an object men can gawk at. No more pretty pictures for them to drool over. They don't deserve them. They don't deserve me. I have come to the conclusion that there are no more good guys out there. And if there are, they are already married or too shy/picky to do anything about it. Oh, wait...if they're too picky, they are not a good guy in my book. So, scratch that off the good guy list. Picky=butt (yes, I am totally censoring this for my mother). And here's just another little tidbit for all you single, never married guys who are not gay over the age of 32...YOU ARE TOO PICKY, this means you are a butt. Get over yourself! Get over that bad advice you got as a kid. Get over the fact that your wife isn't going to be the girl of your dreams (she will probably be better!). And I say again...GET OVER YOURSELF!! Truth be told, you probably AREN'T worth it, but some woman is going to take pity on you and accept your sorry butt for who you are. It's up to you to get your own head out of said butt and accept the fact that what you think you always wanted, ISN'T what you needed.

So, here is my final word to all you men out there. I will not be your object. I will not be your whore. I will not be your arm candy. I will not be just a pretty face. And I most certainly will NOT be the woman of your dreams. I will be better than that.



  1. Sad...I think you need to stop online dating. It's not worth it. Just enjoy being by yourself. There's nothing wrong with that.


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