If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail
So, a quote has been rolling around in my head for the past week. It goes "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." This was the subject line to one of the Jillian Michaels' emails I get every day. Now, I will admit that I didn't actually read it, but I can guess what it said. Something along the lines of plan your workouts. Plan your meals. Plan your diet, etc. I was driving home tonight from work and was thinking I wanted to write in my blog tonight (which I'm doing, yay me), but I wanted a subject. Since I was thinking of it before I sat down to write, this quote came to my mind...again. It makes me think of progression in this life. As in, if you're not progressing in your personal, spiritual and professional life, you're sliding backwards. Life is such that you can't really stand still. Time is always moving. This world is always moving. What we do with each second, with each minute will determine whether we are moving forward or backwards. Whether we have planned to fail or not. I, for one, do not want to fail in this life. For those of you who are LDS, remember God has a great Plan. He does not plan to fail and it is His greatest work that we do not as well. That is the Big Picture. It is good to be reminded of that on probably a daily basis, but what about the now. I'm asking myself this question. How well do I plan? There are things I'm great at planning. Hmmm...let me think. I know there's something I'm great at planning. Wow. I can't think of one thing I am really great at planning. I look at my typical day and usually it is filled up, but it is never really planned out. Is every day a failure, then? I don't think so, but if I had a plan, would it have been a better day? A more productive day? Every year, I buy a planner. At this point in my life, I don't know why I do this. I might use it for a few weeks at the beginning of the year, then maybe for a few more weeks during the middle of the year when I stumble upon it again, but for the most part, my life is not planned out. This past year, I came up with a five year plan, but it is not set in stone. There is a timeline I want to follow, but it is not written down. It is not planned out as well as it could be. I do not plan to fail in this, but if I do not plan it out correctly and in a timely manner (don't you just love the phrase 'timely manner'?), then I might just be planning on failing.
Okay, so I have my five year plan, but what about my day to day planning? I know that I should plan out each week, say on Sunday, just so I, well, have a plan and that I don't fail that week to workout or that I don't fail that week to eat right because I didn't plan a grocery trip and I was out of good food (not that it happened tonight or anything like that...ahem). So, probably what really brought this on was yesterday, Saturday. I didn't work until 4 in the afternoon, but the day was spent tooling around on the computer without accomplishing anything. I woke up too late and did not get a workout in because I did not plan my day properly. I wanted to go running, heck, I even put on my facebook status (time waster galore) that I was going running, yet, right after I typed that, I looked at the clock and realized I had to start getting ready for work then. The day was a complete waste and it was really all due to lack of planning. Then, I didn't leave myself enough time to pack a lunch (yet, more failure) and so I had to eat out, costing me money and calories. I rode trax (public train transportation), but even that was almost an epic failure. I've been down here for almost a month and decided on a whim to give it a try. The only planned part of the day was to leave early enough to catch the train to make it to work on time (which I did), but if I had researched or planned better, I would have realized there was a parking lot right next to my stop and avoided walking a mile home at midnight (not that it's really that unsafe in Sandy, but you never know). So, Saturday was almost an epic fail, with the exception of getting to trax on time.
So, guess what this means? I need to dust off my planner and start actually planning my life. I don't want to fail. You shouldn't want to fail either, imaginary cyberspace friend. Let's get planning (yes, that is a bit hokey, but I like it :))
Okay, so I have my five year plan, but what about my day to day planning? I know that I should plan out each week, say on Sunday, just so I, well, have a plan and that I don't fail that week to workout or that I don't fail that week to eat right because I didn't plan a grocery trip and I was out of good food (not that it happened tonight or anything like that...ahem). So, probably what really brought this on was yesterday, Saturday. I didn't work until 4 in the afternoon, but the day was spent tooling around on the computer without accomplishing anything. I woke up too late and did not get a workout in because I did not plan my day properly. I wanted to go running, heck, I even put on my facebook status (time waster galore) that I was going running, yet, right after I typed that, I looked at the clock and realized I had to start getting ready for work then. The day was a complete waste and it was really all due to lack of planning. Then, I didn't leave myself enough time to pack a lunch (yet, more failure) and so I had to eat out, costing me money and calories. I rode trax (public train transportation), but even that was almost an epic failure. I've been down here for almost a month and decided on a whim to give it a try. The only planned part of the day was to leave early enough to catch the train to make it to work on time (which I did), but if I had researched or planned better, I would have realized there was a parking lot right next to my stop and avoided walking a mile home at midnight (not that it's really that unsafe in Sandy, but you never know). So, Saturday was almost an epic fail, with the exception of getting to trax on time.
So, guess what this means? I need to dust off my planner and start actually planning my life. I don't want to fail. You shouldn't want to fail either, imaginary cyberspace friend. Let's get planning (yes, that is a bit hokey, but I like it :))
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