Distractions Abound While Texting

So, I somehow formatted my internet in a what I can only call a "large print" mode. It's not terribly inconvenient, but I would like to know how I did it, so that perhaps I can undo it. I may have to ask for help on this one. Hey! This will help with one of my 15 things, which is asking for help. Yeah...we'll see if I can't figure it out on my own ;).

That was not the topic I had in mind. Although it would, I'm sure make for an entertaining topic (entitled, Times I Should Have Asked for Help, but Didn't...maybe next time) it is not what I have on my mind. What do I have on my mind, you might be asking yourself. You are asking yourself, aren't you, imaginary cyberspace friend? (On a side note, I'm listening to the Carpenter's "Superstar" and thinking of Tommyboy...not what I have on my mind) Okay, now I'm torn. I could either be all serious or humorous. When confronted with that option, well I...I don't know. I am feeling really distracted right now and that is what I want to talk about. Distraction. I cannot remember if I've ever talked about distraction before. This world seems to be so busy. I go through my day just thinking that everything is going alright, but before I know it, it's 10:23 pm and I haven't worked out yet. I haven't eaten dinner. I haven't written the blog I've been meaning to for a few days. (Distraction: it just shifted to Wilson Phillips' "You're in Love" which I associate with my preteen years...ahh...the preteen years, which are a precursor to your teen years which only suck slightly less than said teen years. ;)) So, what was I saying? Oh, yeah. Distraction. I wrote about planning in my last blog and you would think, wouldn't you, imaginary cyberspace friend, that I would have embraced planning my life out to great detail after that. Having my eyes on the prize. (Another side note: Rascal Flatts just shuffled in. I love them so much and cannot wait for their new album :)) Okay, back on subject. Distraction. I don't know about anyone else, but I use distraction to both my advantage and disadvantage. I try to distract others when topics or situations become uncomfortable for them. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It depends on their focus really.  Maybe that's all I should say on that subject. I don't know who is reading this and I don't want to reveal all my trade secrets ;). Wow, my mind is swirling. All these things going through it. For example, sometimes I feel like a bad sister, a bad daughter. Maybe bad is the wrong word, but definitely not the greatest in the world. I feel like sometimes I am trying so hard to live and build my life, that I forget who has helped me to build this life I'm trying to live. I lose communication with them for long stretches of time and in my mind that is a failing of mine. It's not that I don't want to talk to them or that I don't think of them often, it is just I am distracted in my life from taking the time to do these things. Like pick up my cell phone, touch a button and call. I was watching a talk tonight on addiction (having a food addiction, these types of things help me to focus) and one of the things mentioned was a texting addiction. Now, I don't think I've become addicted to texting, but it has become the preferred form of communication for me. (Side note that is actually relevant to the topic: one thing mentioned in the talk was observing two teens texting each other while standing next to each other...yeah. One of my favorite memories is sitting around the living room at my mom's house with my sister, Melanie and my brother, Matt and us texting each other...while we were sitting next to each other. Laughter abounded that night.) Texting allows me to "talk" to someone while doing something else (not driving!). It does not allow me to focus on that person, which is a form of distraction. It has gotten to the point where I almost feel like it is going to be, you know, hard, to make an actual phone call and carry on a conversation where you can't think of the perfect thing to say, then type it, then do something else while waiting for a response. A phone call takes focus and I think it should say to the other person...I'm thinking of you and only you right now. Something to think about. Haha! Who would have thought 10 years ago that making a phone call would be such a hard thing to do (besides the obvious calling of the person of interest to ask out on a date, which has been and will always be hard, but guess what? We have texting to overcome that anxiety and also the anxiety of breaking up with person not of interest anymore!)? So, you know what I am going to do? I am going to call one person a day for the next week...or so. I want the people in my life to know they are not mere distractions to me. (Final side note: Imaginary cyberspace friend, I added that picture above as a tribute to you...and to distract those who happen upon this blog.)


  1. I could sign my name on the bottom of this post. I feel like I get nothing done and that I don't build any relationships because I am always doing something, usually something unimportant when I think about it later. I have piles all around my house that show that I started to organize something, but I never finished. So many unfinished projects, an answering machine full of unanswered and un-returned calls. It sucks. I don't like living like this, but I'm not really sure how to make it different. There is always something else demanding my attention. It seems that I never have a large swath of time to devote to anything. Boo! I've been in a mood the last few days. Thanks for letting me vent. :) And, you are a good sister. I love our relationship and I love that we are such good friends. I only wish we could spend more time together and build our friendship even more. :))

  2. I hope I'm one of the people you're going to call!!! Probably not, but eh. :) I love you, Steffie! And yes, that night was one of the funnest nights ever. I hope Matt feels the same way!

  3. We need another sister's trip and *cough* I didn't call anyone...yeah. So, don't feel unloved if I didn't call you because I didn't call anyone. ;)

  4. Hey Stef, if you haven't already solved your "large print" problem, then try this. Hold down the CONTROL button and then move your mouse wheel up and down. I hope that does the trick :)


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