Ugh. My Arms Are Fat

I would just like to clarify that Jim does not suck. For the record. Now that's out of the way...I can get on to my real blog topic. I was looking at some pictures that were posted of me tonight and right away I started critiquing them and looking at what I didn't like and how I compared to the rest of the people. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. I had to mentally stop myself. Why do I do that? I can't look at a picture of myself and see a pretty smile or great hair. No. It's "oh, my arm looks fat in this picture...I hate it then" or "Seriously big head, Stef (comparing myself to others)" or "maybe I shouldn't be wearing that pink shirt." But in every picture there's always something I like or should like. I've always wanted to be one of those people that automatically likes herself for who she is and doesn't care what anybody else thinks, but I've never been like that. I have gotten better over the years (thank goodness for getting older!), but tonight just illustrated that I'm just not there yet. I'm not to the point of not caring what other people think. I think most women are like this. Not all, but most. And, as we all know, it has to do with the idea of perfection that has been our guiding light in this world. Perfection in magazines, television, Internet, movies, etc. Even though we are told over and over again, "this is an illusion", we still strive for a small sliver of this in our lives. Heck, if we didn't, we would all be wearing sack cloth and not showering. Hmmm...with that last statement, I'm going to say that a little perfection is perfectly okay. I think I'll go back and look at those pictures and find 5 good things about them. Yes, 5 is a good number since I only found 3 bad things (that I'm admitting to).


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