Once a Bridal Barbie, Always a Bridal Barbie...Yeah.

I had almost given up on this blog, but decided I should give it another go...what do you think? You know, I often wonder who I'm talking to when I say things like that out in cyberspace. These past few months have been interesting, to say the least. I met a boy and, like I seem to always do, drove him off. I take responsibility for that. I once had it pointed out, so I guess I'm responsible now. Have you ever seen, imaginary cyberspace friend, "Tommy Boy"? Do you remember the part where he and David Spade's character are in the restaurant after being they had the whole side of the car debacle where Spade whacked Farley across the face (funny stuff)? And Farley takes the roll and uses it to tell Spade why he can never seal the deal. That's how I feel when it comes to my love life. I see this perfect thing, and I'm doing great, but somehow I get to where I guess I'm afraid of it turning into something deeper and crash (picture the roll coming to pieces in his hands). But to tell the truth, imaginary cyberspace friend, I really don't know what I'm doing. I get a little better at it every time and this time, I thought I was going at the appropriate speed, but somehow I get to a certain point and BOOM, I just want everything at once. I want trust and a deep relationship (marriage if possible), and I want their whole world to slightly revolve around me, like I'm making my world revolve around them. And this is a bad thing! For one, I find that I start to lose myself when it comes to this point and I become VERY clingly. And as I have discovered, no man wants a clingy girl...oops. I am finding there is a fine line between attachment and cling wrap. Somehow I always seem to fall on the side of cling wrap. Stupid cling wrap...it never sticks on plastic bowls. That is a tangent, imaginary cyberspace friend.
P.S. Don't you love the Bridal Barbie photo? I thought it was appropriate :)


  1. I don't think any of us are as good at relationships as we would wish. Eventually you will meet someone who loves you despite our bad traits. Don't give up!

  2. That's what I keep telling myself! Thanks, Rachel...you rock!

  3. I'm so sorry that it ended badly. He doesn't know what he's missing! And he'll miss it forever!! I love that bride Barbie--I want to have one like that one day when I have my own room of half library, half doll showcase. :)


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