Home Sweet Home
I wanted to write about sleep. This past week I have been having such a weird sleep pattern that I thought it might be time to come up with some research about why proper sleep is so necessary for nutrition. And it's out there. Google: sleep and you'll find any sort of information you could ever want to find.
But I don't want to talk about sleep. The other thing that's been going on in my life this past week has been a redecoration of my basement living area and room. It is still very much in the beginning stages of reconstruction, but it sparked what I really wanted to talk about and that is your home environment. I'm talking about the way you feel when you walk into your house. Do you feel calm? Do you feel dismayed? Do you feel slightly panicked at the clutter on your floor or counters? Do you feel like it's time to call Hoarders? I have felt everything except the Hoarders one (oh, please never let me feel the Hoarders one).
I bet you might be asking...what does this have to do with nutrition? Let me ask you a question. When you walk in to your home and see clutter and disorder (I'm talking outside of the normal daily stuff, esp. you guys with kids), do you want to cook a healthy meal in that kitchen? Or do you want to exercise when your floor has little walking room, let alone enough room to do a jumping jack or push-up? I know that I don't. A clean and organized house (shout out to Christa!) will not only help you feel better about where you are living, but it will, even subconsciously, help you with any sort of nutritional goals you have in mind.
Plus, maybe if we start spring cleaning early, this nasty winter will end sooner.
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