Why I Trust My Hair Stylist

I have erased four different opening sentences so far...make that five. I got a haircut yesterday. I now again look like the blond goddess you see in the pictures scattered throughout my posts :). I brought in pictures from my last haircut, and I had to trust that my hair stylist would be able to basically recreate the most fabulous haircut I've ever had (not the same hair stylist I had last time). Every time I go in to get my hair done, I am putting my trust in a complete stranger to make me happy. To create something out of my overgrown, ratty, split end, two-tone hair. And every time, I have been happy with the result. I have found if I trust them and don't try to over-direct them, but tell them what I kind of want the end result to be, they will do it. It is a very intimate thing, having your hair cut. It is a part of you, yet I trust a complete stranger with this.
Hmmm...what do you think this post is going to be about? Hopefully, you, my imaginary cyberspace friend, have realized it is about trust. I have learned to trust complete strangers. I was born to trust my parents and they never did anything to breach that trust, so I still trust them. I trust my brothers and sisters to always have the best of thoughts and intentions for me. Heck, I trust my mechanic because he makes sure my car's running smoothly without charging me an arm and a leg.
But I don't trust myself. Because I have let myself down. Because I have had bad thoughts about myself and I have followed my bad intentions. Heck, I've even filled my tank up with so much crap that I can't even trust myself to eat correctly. And I wonder if everyone is like this to some degree or another. Or if anyone, but me thinks about things like this. Don't get me wrong...generally, I really like myself. I just can't trust the person inside fully.
GREAT! One more thing to work on...but I guess that's why we're on this Earth, huh. (Don't tell anyone, imaginary cyberspace friend, but I'm getting a little tired of finding things wrong with me. I think it's time to focus on the positive things more. Okay, you can tell other people).

Oh, and doesn't my hair look fantastic? :)


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